2024 Event Sponsorship Opportunities

We are now accepting a limited number of business sponsorships. Our charity gala has been completely funded so all money raised will go towards our event benefactor The Miracle League of Dane County.

5 Sponsorship Levels Available

Each sponsorship level offers a unique set of marketing options depending on your company’s generosity:

Sponsorship Details

Event Emails - Throughout the months leading up to the event, email invitations and reminders are sent out to attendees and prospective attendees. Your name or logo will appear at the bottom of the emails that are sent out.

Social Media Post Recognition - Our marketing team will create social media posts that promote your business’s involvement and generosity as a sponsor. These posts will appear on both the Down on the Farm Facebook page as well as the Miracle League Facebook page.

Event Slideshow - A slideshow of sponsors will cycle and run for the duration of the event.

Program Recognition Our program has a front and a back. The back will be devoted to honors sponsors and their commitment to the cause.

Website Recognition - Your company’s logo or name will appear throughout this website as well as the Miracle League website to honor your generosity.

Table Recognition & Premiere Seating - Tables will have a 5”x7” sponsor name and logo on them. Premiere seating is up closer to the stage and action overall.

Event Signage - Banners with your company logo or name will be present and visible at the event.

Personal Recognition Night of Event - The MC will make a personal comment and shout out of thanks for the sponsor’s generosity.

Grand Slam Level –Additional Recognition

Logo on Baseball Giveaway
Each attendee will get a baseball at the event with our event logo, the Miracle League’s logo, and your company’s logo.

Promotional Video
We will produce a short promotional video to share why you have chosen to sponsor and support the cause and event. Video will be used on social media, on our website, and shared during the event.

If you have questions about sponsorship, please email downonthefarmgala@gmail.com or call 608-333-6080.